The body memory of such emotions as: anger, rage, sadness, fear, rejection, regret, or a sense of one’s own inadequacy is contained in the cells of the body, intercellular spaces, and organs. The signals of these negative emotions trigger internal stress in the body. Our thoughts and emotions that accompany them in response to difficult and stressful external situations give internal information to our nervous, endocrine and immune systems. This makes you experience stress with your whole body. And we are particularly sensitive to feeling of powerlessness.
We feel a sense of safety in the body, although we often think that the safety is felt in the head and given by what surrounds us. Our internal monitoring system – the autonomic nervous system works all the time, asking “is it safe?”, and that happens beyond our conscious mind, which is why the body is the last element that we pay attention to, until the moment when we start to feel pain, tension, internal tightening, sometimes even at the cellular level. Each of us feels it differently.
Contact with your own body is crucial. Releasing tensions and blocked energy of emotions from the body, whether using craniosacral therapy or in other technique that is suitable for you, or even giving yourself a self-massage will allow you to soothe your body, and thus regain step by step inner peace and balance that you need, especially now.
Let’s not leave ourselves for later.