Everything is connected

how do I work

I work holistically using various techniques and tools that engage your BODY, MIND and SOUL. I primarily use the tools offered by Bodynamic, a psychotherapeutic approach to working through the body, in which selected muscles, in addition to their physical function, activated at specific stages of development, also have specific psychological functions.

These functions introduce into each muscle a specific coding related to our life history. This coding can be open, when we have access to the information encoded there, or closed, when some information is blocked or completely unavailable due to some difficult life experience. This creates the so-called body knots, which we need to “untangle” in order to get awareness of the old, no longer useful patterns of our functioning and create more useful ones.

I combine this work with craniosacral therapy, which harmonizes work of the autonomic nervous system, activates the fascial system and strengthens the resources of cerebrospinal fluid. Muscle tension is relaxed, and this gives a sense of regeneration, a surge of energy and vitality.

During the session, I will invite you to do exercises together that will activate selected muscles in the context of building body awareness and the topic that will be brought up during the sessions. By doing so, you will strengthen your existing resources as well as develop new ones. This will allow you to function more fully and satisfactorily in life and in everyday contacts with other people.

Everything is connected – our thoughts, emotions, body. When we work with the body and release blocked energy, our internal system begins to return to balance. Our mindfulness of the body strengthens our mindfulness of ourselves as a whole – of what we think and how we think, what emotions we feel and how we react to them.

Gradually, little by little, you will begin to release yourself from suffering and pain, because you will no longer need it. You will gain a more creative approach to life and strengthen your health. I will support you with my knowledge and experience. I expect you to be responsible and involved in the process.

I invite you to discover YOUR FULLNESS together.

Individual sessionsEthics principles

In my work, I apply the following principles:

  • confidentiality and security of information provided by the Client,
  • clearly defined rules of cooperation,
  • presenting my competences and experience in a clear and not misleading manner
  • care for the good of the Client during cooperation,
  • respecting the Client’s right to end the process at any time,
  • if needed recommending the support of other specialists

customer experience

pain is information

For years, we carry unexpressed emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, rejection, or grief, recorded in the body’s memory, which affect our body and its physiology.

Your body remembers, and because of this, previous experiences can affect your current experience of pain and the intensity of how much you feel it.

Pain is a sensory and emotional experience. It is subject to learning processes, which leaves traces of memory at various levels in our nervous system and throughout the body.

Pain is information from the body that we want to decode. It is a call of the soul for attention, so we could hear its voice reminding us of what we do not give ourselves, but really need.

What is needed is time and readiness to accept and accept the truth, which can be difficult and painful, but at the same time freeing and healing.

You give yourself this time and space by building contact with your body in craniosacral therapy and learning to feel the sensations coming from your body and developing resources to be yourself more fully through somatic coaching.

Stress related to pain and inflammation that happens in the body causes the autonomic nervous system to not function properly. The sympathetic nervous system can be overactive, and with chronic conditions, we can stay in a frozen state of the parasympathetic system for longer. Such a situation also stimulates the overactivity of the endocrine system, the so-called HPA stress axis, and the immune system and affects the functioning of the entire body, because everything is interconnected.

The therapy is aimed at supporting the body in the process of balancing and harmonizing the work of the autonomic nervous system so that it does not put the body in a state of constant sense of danger. In this process, I also work with fascia, which has a very significant impact on our perception of pain, and I include the psychological functions of selected muscles.

I do not encourage you to stop any of your medical treatment. Any changes to medication should be consulted with a doctor. At each stage, you are responsible for your health and well-being.


about Bodynamic

Why is it worth choosing to work with this method?

Bodynamic is a unique approach in psychotherapy that emphasizes the importance of the body in healing our problems, when looking for solutions only from the level of the head turns out to be insufficient.

Bodynamic helps to reach deep-seated emotional and physical tensions stored in the body and release them. By working with your body and mind at the same time, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your emotions, a greater sense of inner resilience and gain the ability to self-regulate so that you can better cope with stress and the challenges of everyday life.

An important aspect of Bodynamic is the incorporation of childhood experiences and their impact on our physical and emotional development. By recognizing early attachment patterns and developmental issues, we can gain a deeper understanding of our own behaviour patterns and learn how to develop healthier relationships in self-esteem and connection with others.

Does this mean that working with this method focuses only on the past?


During sessions we focus on the present, on recognizing where we are stuck, on building and strengthening the resources we already have, and learning how to use them in a more serving and creative way.

And where is the body in all this?

In Bodynamic, muscles are not only physical entities, but also emotional landmarks. Each of them bears a specific psychological trace, a reflection of our experiences, our joys, our pains, our victories and our struggles. It is a map to our inner world, waiting to be discovered.

Bodynamic allows you to see the subtle nuances of the muscular system, from overly flexible to overly tense muscles, each with its own unique story. In this way, we tune our body to our mental state.

Bodynamic also offers a powerful approach to working with trauma that recognizes the body’s critical role in the healing process. It helps clients better tune into their bodily sensations and learn to regulate the reactions of the nervous system. This approach can help many people overcome the effects of trauma and reclaim their lives.

For more information, visit the Bodynamic International website.


about craniosacral therpy

Craniosacral Therapy is an integrative therapy that harmonizes work of the autonomic nervous system, activates the fascia system and strengthens the resources of cerebrospinal fluid.

It enables the body’s natural mechanisms to regain balance and cope with the adverse effects of stress. Muscle tension is relaxed, and this gives a sense of regeneration, a surge of energy and vitality.

The therapy is experienced as deeply relaxing.

The therapy can be used by virtually anyone who wants to strengthen their health, vitality, or simply feel better.

If you are struggling with:

  • low energy levels, chronic fatigue, and weakness
  • high levels of stress
  • weakened immune system
  • chronic pain
  • recurrent headaches and migraines
  • tension and pain in the neck and back muscles
  • joint pain

Then I invite you to experience the effects of craniosacral therapy.

If you want to learn more about this therapy, I encourage you to continue reading 🙂


customer experience

“Agnieszka is an extremely empathetic person, she listens and helps. She explains and describes the method she deals with very well. Her inner peace is contagious to everyone. I recommend the first method and Agnieszka with all my heart for solace, for calmness, for inner order, for living in harmony with yourself” 😊 – Agnieszka Linert


“Working with such a therapist is pure pleasure🥰. The therapy was at a very high level, despite an unusual ailment (lack of pituitary gland) and an unknown reaction of my body. I was very carefully listened to and with great sensitivity brought into a state of higher consciousness. I felt taken care of physically and emotionally. All the pains (shoulder, knee, gallbladder) and tension in the body accumulated over the years have gone away. Balance and energy returned to life. I calmly entered the recovery process. Thank you for your care and tips on working with my own body.” – Agnieszka K.


I wholeheartedly recommend sessions with Ms. Agnieszka. My body was very blocked, especially my legs. Our first meeting mainly focused on tensions in this area. Already after the first visit, I noticed changes. Greater flow in the body, peace, and less problem with touching the legs, e.g. during massages. Each of our meetings gradually relaxed the body and cleansed it of fears, pain, and blockages. Each session took place in a very nice, warm and caring atmosphere.” – Anna Wielgus


“I experienced therapy and the magic happened! Agnieszka stops the pain, restores balance, banishes the darkness from the soul. Time passes too quickly with her  She is a very empathetic, trustworthy, kind person. It is worth entrusting her with your body and emotions, she will give it back repaired. I highly recommend her.” – Katarzyna Liszewska


“Agnieszka was recommended by my personal/business coach. My goal for these sessions were to help me deal with some personal problems, issues that were impacting my behavior and the wellbeing of my family. Thanks to the work done with Agnieszka through a series of carefully guided in-person meetings and craniosacral therapy, I was able to figure out how I can tackle the difficult situations I encounter daily. Agnieszka is really professional and at the same time friendly and open. The therapy sessions with her offer a very relaxing atmosphere in a cozy studio. For me this is obviously “the starting of a journey” and not a “job done”, but I can say that Agnieszka really helped me and I can confidently recommend her.” – Giulio


“The craniosacral therapy at Agnieszka’s practice brings me very measurable effects, both on the physical and mental level. I am already after 5 sessions, over an hour each, and I must admit that each of them was a completely different experience in terms of what I sensed in my body and their results, although they all seemed to me to be quite similar from the therapist side.

The first session was the least pleasant. During this session and after it, the reaction of my body was very strong. Thanks to a possibility to consult the issue over the phone with Agnieszka, I knew how to read the symptoms and how to deal with them at home. The second session has brought ease on both physical and mental levels – there has been a significant improvement. Next sessions began to strengthen functions of various organs, which I felt as strong heat and vibrations in the given area. In addition, after each session I felt calmness, ease and great mood.

I think that the craniosacral therapy brings great benefits to people who have a sensitive nervous system, including HSP (hyper sensitive person) people. First of all, because our nervous system simply needs this type of regular strengthening, and we don’t have many offers available on the market to meet this need. The human nervous system is just as important as the digestive or circulatory system, and yet we are not able to take care of it properly. Secondly, we are more sensitive to changes and stimuli coming from the therapy itself (during sessions), that is why we see big differences “before and after”, felt as really a significant improvement after each session. It is very satisfying for us and gives a sense of money well spent.

Since I experienced craniosacral therapy, thanks to Agnieszka, I know that this therapy is a must be on my list of fixed points of taking care of myself and my health. Agnieszka’s mindfulness, knowledge and commitment, as well as the opportunity to discuss the the session with Agnieszka afterwards, make me feel safe and being taken care of . I recommend everyone try it at least once.” Martyna Mazela


“Before I came to Agnieszka for a craniosacral therapy session, I didn’t know anything about this method. I went experimentally, because I had trouble sleeping for a quite some time, and Agnieszka inspired my trust. Good energy, warmth and attentive approach towards the client are Agnieszka’s main features – crucial to me. Already after the first session, during which I felt my body responding to Agnieszka’s touch, a sleep came. There is a conversation before and after the “procedure”. First introductory and then summarizing the process. If there is such a need, Agnieszka also does classic coaching. 🙂 In addition to that, a cosy studio and affordable price. I highly recommend it.” Paulina Bocheńska